Virus Shield
We have combined our best anti-viral essential oils for this blend. Strengthen immunity and boost your defences with this powerful combo of anti viral products. Winter wellness simplified.
Stay well this season with our Virus Shield oil blend at your side.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus Narrow Leaf Ironbark, Fir Needle, Tea Tree

We have put together our best anti-viral essential oils for this blend. Used in your diffuser, our combination of Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Fir Needle will help keep you and your family healthy.
Indigenous Australians would cleanse a space of bad energies or spirits, or places where there has been conflict by burning (smudging) eucalyptus leaves throughout the space.
Crisp, refreshing sensation of Fir Needle helps to clear congestion, strengthen the immune system, promoting clarity and vitality.
The oil is excellent for energetically clearing a space and to aid meditation. Helping us to be open hearted, restoring optimism and vitality it offers us cleansing and renewal, lifts our spirit and grants us the vision to see new horizons.
Traditional Uses
This powerful blend on anti-viral oils has many benefits.
Tea Tree
Regarded as one of the best broad-spectrum antiseptics against fungal, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, Tea Tree oil is your secret weapon.
Its invigorating aroma fortifies the immune system and aids recovery from chronic illness.
Fir Needle
In the First People Nations of the Americas, Europe and the Middle East it was very commonly applied for the symptoms of; cough, cold, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, viral and bacterial infections and to boost white blood cell count. It is considered one of the best oils for the whole breathing system and a very effective decongestant.
Well known for its antibacterial, antiviral properties, a scientific experiment was conducted in Canada. A test group of subjects suffering from the flu were blood tested to measure white blood cell count and viral levels. They were then sent on a walk through a pine forest. At the conclusion of their walk these levels were re-tested. In all subjects, the viral infection had reduced and the white blood cell count had increased. It is our white blood cells that fight an infection.
Applied in a liniment to reduce the symptoms of; muscle pain, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Fir Needle improves circulation to aid the healing process. It was considered a tonic for nervous system, kidneys and lungs, always used as part of any convalescence or after an illness where the person is left weak. In China and Europe it was used in cases of kidney and bladder infections, such as cystitis.
Narrow-Leaf Ironbark Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Oil is probably best known for its ability to loosen and expel mucus. Traditionally used by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years for; cough, cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, pneumonia, sore throats, asthma, ear infections and for its antiseptic properties.
Research does indicate that inhalations of Eucalyptus Oil can markedly improve breathing and function. Because of its antibacterial, antiviral nature it may also reduce the initial and secondary infections. Some research indicates it may boost our body’s production of white blood cells to fight an infection.
Surprisingly it is less well known for its use in liniments to ease the symptoms of; muscle aches and pains, arthritis, headaches, nerve pain, injury and general muscular problems due to its analgesic, inflammation reducing effect.
Historically applied in a liniment for muscle aches and pain, headaches, neuralgia, arthritis, inflammation, to improve circulation injury and general muscular problems due to its analgesic effect.
On the skin it has been used as an antiseptic to treat injuries, cuts, wounds, blisters, cold sores, shingles and mild burns.
Avoid direct contact with eyes, patch test before application to skin.
Keep out of reach of children. Be aware of individual allergies
Click on individual oils bleow for more safety data:
Narrow Leaf Ironbark Eucalyptus, Fir Needle, Tea Tree
We have put together our best anti-viral essential oils for this blend. Used in your diffuser, our combination of Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Fir Needle will help keep you and your family healthy.
Indigenous Australians would cleanse a space of bad energies or spirits, or places where there has been conflict by burning (smudging) eucalyptus leaves throughout the space.
Crisp, refreshing sensation of Fir Needle helps to clear congestion, strengthen the immune system, promoting clarity and vitality.
The oil is excellent for energetically clearing a space and to aid meditation. Helping us to be open hearted, restoring optimism and vitality it offers us cleansing and renewal, lifts our spirit and grants us the vision to see new horizons.
This powerful blend on anti-viral oils has many benefits.
Tea Tree
Regarded as one of the best broad-spectrum antiseptics against fungal, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, Tea Tree oil is your secret weapon.
Its invigorating aroma fortifies the immune system and aids recovery from chronic illness.
Fir Needle
In the First People Nations of the Americas, Europe and the Middle East it was very commonly applied for the symptoms of; cough, cold, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, viral and bacterial infections and to boost white blood cell count. It is considered one of the best oils for the whole breathing system and a very effective decongestant.
Well known for its antibacterial, antiviral properties, a scientific experiment was conducted in Canada. A test group of subjects suffering from the flu were blood tested to measure white blood cell count and viral levels. They were then sent on a walk through a pine forest. At the conclusion of their walk these levels were re-tested. In all subjects, the viral infection had reduced and the white blood cell count had increased. It is our white blood cells that fight an infection.
Applied in a liniment to reduce the symptoms of; muscle pain, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Fir Needle improves circulation to aid the healing process. It was considered a tonic for nervous system, kidneys and lungs, always used as part of any convalescence or after an illness where the person is left weak. In China and Europe it was used in cases of kidney and bladder infections, such as cystitis.
Narrow-Leaf Ironbark Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Oil is probably best known for its ability to loosen and expel mucus. Traditionally used by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years for; cough, cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, pneumonia, sore throats, asthma, ear infections and for its antiseptic properties.
Research does indicate that inhalations of Eucalyptus Oil can markedly improve breathing and function. Because of its antibacterial, antiviral nature it may also reduce the initial and secondary infections. Some research indicates it may boost our body’s production of white blood cells to fight an infection.
Surprisingly it is less well known for its use in liniments to ease the symptoms of; muscle aches and pains, arthritis, headaches, nerve pain, injury and general muscular problems due to its analgesic, inflammation reducing effect.
Historically applied in a liniment for muscle aches and pain, headaches, neuralgia, arthritis, inflammation, to improve circulation injury and general muscular problems due to its analgesic effect.
On the skin it has been used as an antiseptic to treat injuries, cuts, wounds, blisters, cold sores, shingles and mild burns.
Avoid direct contact with eyes, patch test before application to skin.
Keep out of reach of children. Be aware of individual allergies
Click on individual oils bleow for more safety data:
Narrow Leaf Ironbark Eucalyptus, Fir Needle, Tea Tree